










四柱为命, 大运为运, 命和运合为人一生的命运, 命运结合方知吉凶祸福。大运是以四柱中的月柱来排定的, 有男女顺逆之分, 起运数计算也有顺逆之别。

大运排法:阳男阴女顺排, 阴男阳女逆排, 一般排八步运。如, 庚戌年己卯月生男, 为阳年生男, 其大运为:庚辰, 辛巳, 壬午, 癸未, 甲申, 乙酉, 丙戌,丁亥。庚戌年己卯月生女,为阳年生女免费算生辰八字和五行, 其大运为:戊寅, 丁丑,丙子, 乙亥,甲戌, 癸酉, 壬申, 辛未。丁酉年甲辰月生男, 为阴年生男,其大运为:癸卯风水堂:生辰八字算命的完整模式,壬寅, 辛丑, 庚子, 己亥, 戊戌, 丁酉, 丙申。丁酉年甲辰月生女, 为阴年生女,其大运为:乙巳, 丙午, 丁未, 戊申, 己酉, 庚戌, 辛亥, 壬子。

起运数:大运数的起法, 以三天折合一岁计,即一天折合四个月免费算生辰八字和五行, 一小时折合五天。计算时, 如起运总数为18天, 被3除, 等于6, 即为6岁起大运。


大运行十年之吉凶, 小运司一岁之祸福。小运能补大运、流年、四柱之不足, 也可为大运、流年、四柱所忌。

小运的排法, 按阳男阴女顺行, 阴男阳女逆行,由时柱排起。如1998戊寅年五月初六壬子时生男免费算生辰八字和五行, 一岁小运是癸丑, 二岁是甲寅。。。顺排下去;如这一天生女, 则一岁起辛亥, 二岁起庚戌。。。逆而行之。起小运是以虚岁为准, 有一年算一年。






The of eight is the and of the four solar law and lunar law by human . , the of the fate of a 's birth date is the Eight Fate ; The batch for eight is eight . But , eight is the eight .

The word 'fate', which is a word of , is , like a grain of gold, a item loved by ; as a verb is the of the day after . The same grain of gold has the same fate, but its fate is . Some gold is in the sand, no how heavy or high- it is, it be , let alone or loved. This is the so- bad luck. And some gold, of low and , is for uses. The great of a every ten years, so one must know when to go for good luck and when to go for bad luck in order to good luck and avoid bad luck.


Pai Da Yun

The four are , and great is . The of fate and is the of a 's life, and the of fate good or bad . The Great Luck is based on the moon among the four , which can be into male and in or order, and there is also a in or order when the of .

Da Yun Pai Fa: Yang men and Yin women are in , while Yin men and Yang women are in . , there are eight steps of Da Yun Pai Fa. For , in the year of , a male was born in the month of Jimao, and he was born in the year of Yang. His great was: , Xinsi, Renwu, , , Yiyou, , and . In the year of , she was born in the month of Jimao and was born in the year of Yang. Her great was: Wuyin, , , Yihai, Jiaxu, , , and . In the year of Ding You, a man was born in the month of the first lunar month, and he was born in the year of Yin. His great was: , , , , Jihai, Wuxu, Ding You, and . In the year of Ding You, a was born in the month of the first lunar month, and was born in the year of Yin. Her great was: Yi Si, , Ding Wei, Wu Shen, Ji You, , , and Ren Zi.

point: The point of the Great Luck is by three days into one year old, that is, one day is to four , and one hour is to five days. When , if the total of is 18 days and is by 3, it is equal to 6, which is as the age of 6.

Pai Xiao Yun

The good and bad of ten years of , and the and good of one year of . Small can for the of big , years, and four , and can also be by big , years, and four .

The of the of Yang male and Yin , while Yin male and Yang , from the time . In 1998, on the sixth day of May in the year of Wu Yin, he gave birth to a man named at the age of one, and Jia Yin at the age of two... Go down in ; If this woman is born, she will start at the age of one and at the age of two... Go it. The of small is based on the age, and one year is as one year.