编辑 |律小圈
1. - 相称原则
英文释义:the that the or legal be to the of the or
典型例句:The court the of the , into the of the crime and the 's .
2. Res - 已判决事项
英文释义:the that a that has been by a court be re-
典型例句:The of res the from re- the case since it has been .
3. of - 言论自由
英文释义:the right to , ideas, and or
典型例句:The First of the U.S. of , , press, and .
4. Legal - 法定特权
英文释义:the right to from in legal , an and their
典型例句:The - that a and their .
5. of - 权力分立
英文释义:the of among (, , and ) to of power
典型例句:The of is a of to of power.
6. Good faith - 善意
英文释义:the of , , and in one's and
典型例句:The are to in good faith to reach a .