10码衣服 (双语)
"Small," reads the label from the first tank top on the rack at the store in SoHo. So does the one it. And the third, , fifth -- they're all small. In fact, every piece of in the store is "small" or "one-size."
to the teen in the U.S., where the are for just one body type: thin. has onto the teen scene with its "one-size-fits-most" and vibe. its fleet of 18 in the U.S., in and New York City, it's one of the with the - among teen girls, to a from firm Piper .
Who is the girl? One look at the brand's and her: young, white, and long-.
"It's an thing: , you fit in the ! Join the club," said Sharp, a 17-year-old who runs her style site, A Bent Piece of Wire. "There will be the girls who will try to into it. They'll do they can to fit in ."
While teens fawn over the 's of crop tops, , and more, say has the when it comes to fat-. the world has long , and some cater to even , few have taken size this far. Yoga-wear , which plus-size aren't part of its , does offer sizes from 0 to 12. Even & Fitch, for kids, sells with extra-large on the , up to size 14.
At , all the are small, a will pop up here and there. To be able to into 's only size of jeans, a girl would need to have a 25-inch waist -- that's a size 0 or 2, on the brand. Most and on the are about the same size. jeans at teen 21 span sizes from 24 to 30 . In the U.S., the 16-year-old girl is 5 feet tall, about 138 and has a 31-inch waist, to a 2012 from the for and .
, co- of the Girls , a group, said puts teen girls the "paces of the ," the of to be the best and in .
走进 零售店,从第一排衣架到第二第三排甚至是第五第六排10码衣服 (双语),所有衣服上的尺码都是S号(小号)。事实上,的几乎所有衣服都是S号或是均码。
欢迎来到时下美国最受年轻人喜爱和追棒的品牌 零售店。这里的衣服只为一种身材的人设计:瘦人。 坚持均码策略10码衣服,服装延续异想天开的加州风格。研究公司Piper 上半年的调查发现,尽管 在美国只有18家门店——多数位于加州和纽约周边10码衣服 (双语), 却一跃成为最受美国年轻女孩欢迎的服装品牌之一。
典型的 的女孩是什么样的呢?从 官网以及图片分享网站 的账户显示, 的目标用户是:年轻、苗条、腿长的白人女孩。
17岁时尚博客主贾斯汀娜·夏普( Sharp),经营着自己的时尚网站。她表示,“这是件具有优越感的事。恭喜你,你能穿上 的衣服!加入优越俱乐部!因为很多女孩想要穿 的衣服却挤不进去,她们为了能穿上 什么都愿意做。”
的吊带衫、露脐装、开襟羊毛衫等都深受年轻女孩的青睐10码衣服,不过也有很多人批评 的均码策略,他们认为这可能增加身材肥胖者的羞愧感。尽管一直以来时尚界都是以瘦为美,一些服装甚至去迎合更苗条的身材,但几乎没有一个品牌像 一样做的如此“苛刻”。瑜伽装品牌露露柠檬()服装公司承认加大码顾客并不是其目标顾客,不过,露露柠檬还是提供了从0到12的尺寸。即使是被嘲弄为不提供超重儿童服装的阿贝克隆比 & 费奇( fitch )也出售了加大码服饰至14码(注:美国妇女的平均尺寸是14)。
在 零售店里几乎所有的衣服都是S号,只有几件是M号(中码)。腰围在25英寸(约63.5cm,1尺9)的女孩才能穿上 的均码紧身裤10码衣服,也就是0码或2码,根据品牌的不同。线上出售的大部分短裙,短裤腰围也都是这个尺寸。青少年时尚主力品牌的同类紧身裤的尺寸在24英寸到30英寸之间。美国疾病预防与控制中心2012年的报告显示,美国年轻女孩身高一般在5英尺3英寸(约1.62米)上下,体重在138磅(约62公斤)左右,腰围在31英寸(2尺4)左右。
女孩领导学院(全国性非盈利组织)创始人之一瑞秋‧西蒙斯( )称 使女孩们可以检查自己是不是受欢迎,它重新创造了成为学校里最酷最时尚的人的挑战。
(译者 编辑 祝兴媛)