规 格: 口径 4.3cm 、底径 8.2cm 、通高 20cm
征集负责人:林总监 186 ,658 ,108 ,33
Flat pot type be from the pot , in Liao and Jin kilns began pots, which is based on the horse for pot of new of . In the Yuan , the to the court of China, and the gold and in the East began to be liked by the court.
In the hall , there is a with a Yuan kiln first flat pot, this piece of is a , after major , but its in many can not be , is as the first "town is of the ".
元青花凤纹执壶规格口径为4.3cm 、底径 8.2cm 、通高 20cm,壶体扁圆,直颈小唇口元青花凤纹执壶:一器难求的代名词,浅圈足,底足在沙胎上有层很薄的护胎釉。该壶以昂起的凤首作流,以卷起的凤尾作柄,凤身绘在圆形壶体上部,双翅垂至壶体两侧,凤身躯羽毛形似鱼鳞,长羽缤纷、精心描绘、生动流畅;青花折枝莲及枝叶在飞凤下作衬映,形成完美的凤穿花图案,铁锈斑明显(进口料苏麻离青料),清新雅致,主题突出,品相完美元青花罐鬼谷下山,存世稀少,不可多得。
yuan blue and white ewer is 4.3cm, 8.2cm, high 20cm , flat body, neck, small mouth, foot foot has a very thin layer of glaze for tyre in sand tire. The pot to hold the first to roll up the tail flow, as a , body in round the upper part of the body, wings to the pot body sides, body like , long , vivid and , blue and white lotus and ; in and form a Feng under. Wear , rust spots ( from the Tsing Ma Su ), fresh and , theme, phase, rare, rare.
Such are often used in the Song Lian Fei Ding, kiln, , yuan, Ming and Qing three of the . With first, tail flow and pot form, with this three- and pot body first , and in one, is a and style, , have great . The Fung head flat pot uses a of . The pot flow is by , the is by hand and the pot is and . , it is as a whole. It is a with high and value.
The whole is and , blue hair color green, and heavy , fine , on neat, and . As a of of Yuan blue and white in a piece of work, it is the of Yuan , for the and of the of Yuan blue and white is a very high value, in the of the of China art , and in a large , the world does not exist many are as "", can be met .